Sunday, 2 October 2011

what's in the bag?

An encounter with a challenge from co-bloggers goes like this

*fingers cross* for me to do everything and allow me to suggest some, or maybe not some but more..

    Day 1    A photo that makes you happy-- could I just instead post a photo of a happy person I've snapshot.
    Day 2    20 of my favorite things-- this I have to make as 20 favorite things in Dubai.
    Day 3    A photo taken over 10 years ago of you-- maybe not me, but of the place where I am right now
    Day 4    Something you are OCD about-- ok this one, I have so many to share.
    Day 5    Your dream house-- I have one, but it changes from time to time, so can it be a dream shoes instead?
    Day 6    A song that makes you cry (or nearly)-- can I just feature an artist in Dubai.
    Day 7    My worst habit--  but as much as possible I want to talk positive things here, this I just have yet to see if I can
    Day 8    What’s in my handbag/purse-- or better yet, what's in people's handbag/purse?
    Day 9    Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days-- this, gotta be personal.
    Day 10  A dream for the future-- I like this one
    Day 11  Who can’t you live without?-- this one too
    Day 12  If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish for?-- Ok I could use a wish right now
    Day 13  Have you ever had your heart broken? Have you ever broken a heart?-- uh-oh, can I have another suggestion on this, how about how to make our hearts happy
    Day 14  What do you like most about yourself?-- what do I like most about the locals
    Day 15  What do you dislike most about yourself?-- what do I dislike most about roads here
    Day 16  What do people notice about you?-- what's the first word that comes into your mind when I say, Dubai!

can we just stop from here now, I think 16 days is already good :)

    Day 17  What’s something you wish you could say to someone?
    Day 18  Whom do you admire the most?
    Day 19  What is your goal in life?
    Day 20  What are the 10 most significant events in your life?
    Day 21  If you died tomorrow, what’s one thing you’d regret not doing?
    Day 22  What’s an inside joke you have with someone?
    Day 23  Two months ago, where were you and what were you doing?
    Day 24  Do you have saved text messages?  If so, who are they from and why do you still have them?
    Day 25  Write 5 messages to 5 different people without using names.
    Day 26  What’s something you’re really excited for?
    Day 27  What do you feel guilty for doing?
    Day 28  Tattoos.  If you have one, post it and its story.  If not, what do you want?
    Day 29  Picture of your makeup collection
    Day 30  When were the happiest days of your life?

Now that you've seen it, I thought of starting on Day 8, I want to make this random, random is fun!

So here:
What's in people's bag?

Whether we'll just be out and about, or run errands, be in the office or just pack for an event, that
handbag is a must, to carry all our needs and sometimes all that not-so-need items ;)

that's what's inside the bag, must be pretty heavy.
Not much to say here but I think this is an "It" girl's one.

are you DFW ready? better think what to wear now and head to your nearest airport to head to Dubai, afterall, Dubai Fashion Week is just around the corner.

this has got to be be what a Photog's pack is carrying and it's gadget ready

because I ♥ that Givenchy bag, I need to know what's inside.

Aptlyt a University School bag is all about

 (I forgot where I got this photo, bear with me and advise me if you happen to know)

OK this one is not what's in the bag per se, and that the only thing that could fit in the purse would be one lipgloss, that perfume bottle and some cards. But I always like the idea of pulling out the right look with your bag

this is one chic purse with all the essentials :)

Meanwhile, in other news


here's a couple of first images of the highly anticipated Versace for H&M.
I seriously can't wait to see more!

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